Pomiń polecenia Wstążki
Przeskocz do głównej zawartości

en Public Transport

Public Transport

The Upper Silesian urban area, whose capital city is Katowice, consists of 41 cities with a population of 2.5 million. Residents commute daily to work, to school, often crossing borders different cities. Thanks to an extensive road and railway network, a journey to cities located up to 50 km apart does not take longer than 30-40 minutes. Katowice is the central hub in this transport system. They are among the best-connected cities in Poland.

The city is very well-connected and offers a wide range of transport services such as bus, tram or train. More information about bus and tram transport in Katowice is available on Metropolitan Transport Authority:

Koleje Śląskie

There is also the well-developed railway system. A journey to European capitals (Prague, Berlin, Budapest, Vienna) takes just a few hours. Katowice also boasts Poland's most modern trunk railway line connecting the city with Warsaw and enabling travelling at a speed of over 200 km/h.


To learn more about railway transportation, check Timetable

Koleje Śląskie routes map 





About 30 kilometres north of the centre of Katowice, in Pyrzowice, Katowice International Airport is located. It is the fourth airport in Poland in terms of the number of passengers and air operations. Within a radius of 100 km there are two other international airports - Kraków (John Paul II International Airport Kraków-Balice) and Ostrava (Leoš Janáček Ostrava Airport). The access to Katowice Airport in Pyrzowice is provided by bus lines. The ticket entitles you to unlimited travel on all bus lines, trams and regional trains within the metropolitan area within 24 hours.


 City by bike


Every year Katowice becomes more bicycle friendly. Further bicycle paths are built and the 30 kph zone is expanded. The city also organises a number of events and campaigns to promote cycling and convince the public that the bicycle can be the main means of transport within the city.

Electric vehicles charging stations

ikona e-car jpg                     


blenkee_1.PNG    ecological vehicles

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 Car charging application

logo TauronDetails

Car sharing
logo traficarDetails

   One app to ride the city

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