Pomiń polecenia Wstążki
Przeskocz do głównej zawartości

en Information desk for foreigners

Information desk for foreigners

Opening hours:

Monday and Thursday 12.00 p.m. - 5 p.m,

Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 9.00 p.m. - 2.00 pm.

Młyńska 5 street 
mobile: 539 696 888

e-mail: punktidc@fundacjaincorpore.pl

FB: Official profile of the spot

Scope of information provided:

- access to education, including Polish language courses and a course in the ABC of an employee, i.e. obtaining the most important information on contracts concluded with employers, types of contributions , taxation, etc.

- access to health services, possibilities to participate in free therapeutic classes within the framework of NFZ funds (National Health Fund); information on how to obtain the above mentioned support,

- access to psychological and pedagogical counseling,

- access to legal counselling,

- access to social assistance and access to benefits offered by the City of Katowice,

- access to assistance for victims of crime, including discrimination and violence,

- access to the housing policy of the City of Katowice, rental of flats,

- access to current procedures for official matters, registration or obtaining citizenship – close

 cooperation with the Honorary Consul of Ukraine and other Honorary Consuls.

Other forms of support:

- integration of foreigners through support groups (participation in a support group involves sharing your own experience with other members, listening, making contact, sharing useful information, giving each other emotional support; active participation in a support group is helpful in self-improvement, personal development, as well as in coping with everyday difficulties; the group will be moderated by a psychologist).

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